MyVCF is a Fastest Growing Digital Business Card Maker Platform. You can create your own digital vcard to attract your customers at Affordable Cost.
Ki jan li fonksyone?
Register a new account, create your own digital business card, share your unique link and attract more customers.
Ou ka montre ka imaj pwodwi ou sou kat biznis ou.
You can list your Product / Services with explaination content and enquiry button. This helps you for high chance to convert your visitor into ptential business lead.
Vizitè ka sove nimewo telefòn ou kòm fòma dosye vCard.
Create MyVCF business card
Jwenn plis kliyan
MyVCF Digital Business cards will help you to transform your card visitors into customers.
Why Digital VCF Business Card?
Ou ka aktive ak enfim WhatsApp Chat Feature nan kat biznis dijital ou a.
Ou ka telechaje foto pwodwi oswa nenpòt foto ki gen rapò ak biznis nan seksyon galri ou a.
You can list your all Product / Services with image and description in this section.
Ou ka lis tout metòd peman ou aksepte nan kat biznis dijital ou.
Ou ka montre lè ouvèti biznis ou.
Ou ka entegre Google Business Link ou a ak kat biznis dijital ou a.
Ou ka montre kote boutik / biznis ou nan Google Maps.
Tout prezans medya sosyal ou yo nan yon kat biznis dijital.
Nou itilize tèm modèn pou koòdone itilizatè.
Nou te kreye tout desen pwofesyonèl.
Nou bay plis enpòtans pou chaj paj la.
Non ou oswa biznis kèlkeswa sa li ye.
Bon envestisman ap ba ou 10 fwa plis revni.
Create your Digital Business Card & Whatsapp Store FREE for 7 days
2 vCards
5 Sèvis
San limit Pwodwi yo
5 Lyen
5 Peman ki nan lis
5 Galeri
0 Temwayaj
Orè biznis
Fòm kontak
0 Ankèt
Modpas Pwoteje
0 Magazen
0 Kategori
San limit Pwodwi yo
Anviwònman Avanse
Pwogresis Web App (PWA)
Lyen pèsonalize
Lòt zouti
Kache Branding
Enstalasyon gratis
Sipò gratis
You are a Start-up or Small Business? Get your Professional Business Digital Visiting Card. This plan is Perfect for you.
2 vCards
10 Sèvis
10 Pwodwi yo
10 Lyen
10 Peman ki nan lis
10 Galeri
10 Temwayaj
Orè biznis
Fòm kontak
99 Ankèt
Modpas Pwoteje
San limit Magazen
5 Kategori
10 Pwodwi yo
Anviwònman Avanse
Pwogresis Web App (PWA)
Lyen pèsonalize
Lòt zouti
Kache Branding
Enstalasyon gratis
Sipò gratis
You are a SME? Business Digital Vcard & Whatsapp Store will setup by Team of Professional. Create 1 Vcard & 1 Whatsapp Store Now.
3 vCards
San limit Sèvis
San limit Pwodwi yo
San limit Lyen
San limit Peman ki nan lis
San limit Galeri
San limit Temwayaj
Orè biznis
Fòm kontak
San limit Ankèt
Modpas Pwoteje
2 Magazen
San limit Kategori
San limit Pwodwi yo
Anviwònman Avanse
Pwogresis Web App (PWA)
Lyen pèsonalize
Lòt zouti
Kache Branding
Enstalasyon gratis
Sipò gratis
© Copyright 2025. Tout dwa rezève pa MyVCF Digital Visting Card.